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Jadi Pemilik Hotel
itu Tidak Repot
Uang Muka 20%
Uang Muka
Bisa Diangsur 24x
Angsuran Mulai
Bebas Angsuran KPA Selama 18 Bulan
Bulan ke 19 dst,
Angsuran Dibayar
Dari Profit Sharing
Keuntungan Investasi
Aston Ciloto Puncak
Ditengah ketidakpastian yang saat ini kita rasakan, kita memerlukan investasi yang pasti yaitu, berinvestasi pada Real Asset.
Investasinya berwujud, bukan
hanya selembar dokumen
Nilai investasi real estate
akan selalu naik
Memiliki pendapatan pasti
berupa Profit Sharing 65%
Kenapa Aston?
International Standard
Managed by:
Operator profesional akan menjamin tingkat hunian yang baik.
Tingkat Hunian Tinggi = Profit Sharing Tinggi
Managed to 200+ properties
20+ years of industry innovation & leadership
Memiliki fasilitas bintang 5 yang akan memastikan tingkat hunian tinggi
Ingin tahu lebih lanjut?
DISCLAIMER: ‘The Condotel apartments/units are not owned, developed, or sold by P.T. Archipelago International Indonesia.The developer uses the ‘ASTON brand’ trade mark under license from P.T. Archipelago International Indonesia.’All information, specifications and plans contained here may be subject to changes by us and/or competent authories as may be required and do not necessarilly represent built standard specifications. Floor areas are approximate measurements and are subject to final survey, likewise models shown here are artistic impression only should not be considered as representation of fact.​
©2020 by PT. Indra Megah Makmur
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